Contact information

There are three labyrinth facilitators contactable via the Chaplaincy.

Labyrinth Facilitators

Frances Burberry heads our team of Veriditas trained Facilitators. Veriditas is a non profit organisation dedicated to introducing people to the labyrinth world-wide.

The team can make both the indoor and outdoor labyrinth available, and can lead workshops and open walks for groups. For labyrinth enquiries please contact Frances.

Very Revd Frances Burberry

Labyrinth Chaplain

Contact details

Labyrinth Consultant - Di Williams

Di Williams, a former University Chaplain, is founder and creator of the Edinburgh Labyrinth Project and author of Labyrinth - landscape of the soul.

Di has been involved with labyrinths since 1993 and is an Advanced Facilitator and Master Teacher with Veriditas.

She runs labyrinth retreats, rituals and workshops and is a consultant to emerging labyrinth projects in the UK within historic sites, churches and Universities.

If you are interested in her consultancy work, please contact her.

Di Williams


The Edinburgh Labyrinth Project is under the auspices of the University Chaplaincy.

Chaplaincy Centre

Contact details